Crisis Management

Experts In Crisis Communication

Managing the media and protecting your reputation

Adoni Media specialises in providing comprehensive crisis management planning and urgent crisis communication response to navigate complex media and business continuity challenges.

Effective Crisis Communication requires understanding the media and the right strategies to manage internal and external communications.

You will be working with a team of crisis response experts who have run newsrooms, internally advised ASX-listed corporations, and personally steered high profile individuals through their worst days.

Our experience is your advantage when your reputation is at stake.

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The 3 Stages Of Crisis Management — Plan, Prepare, Respond

Seconds matter in a crisis.  Navigating complex media challenges requires a carefully considered Crisis Communications Plan, prepared spokespeople, and the ability to respond in a deliberate and timely manner. The longer you wait, the greater the risk that you’ll lose control of the narrative. Best practice is to have media holding statements and a response plan that gives you a voice when your reputation — and your share price — is at risk.


Identify Communications Risks

Our media experts work with you and your Crisis Management Team to understand your business and identify your risk profile when it comes to preparing for a media crisis.

Develop A Communications Plan

We start by reviewing existing documentation. Do you have a media policy, communications response plan, and media holding statements? Our expert team develop the documents you need to give you a framework for managing your crisis response across internal and external channels.

Prepare Holding Statements

Save crucial time in a crisis by having approved, on-message media holding statements that can be updated and issued quickly to avoid a media report saying, “No comment.”

Appoint Your Spokespeople

Don’t let your executives be caught by surprise with a sudden request to front the media. Identifying your spokespeople before a crisis allows time to prepare them with Media Training.


Media & Presentation Training

Set your executives up with the skills to manage the hostile, high pressure media interviews they will face in a crisis.

Adoni Media has Australia’s most experienced Media Training team, led by Leisa Goddard. We equip your spokespeople with practical, on-camera training so they are able to stay on-message and in control.

Training options include in your boardroom or in working TV studios in Sydney and Brisbane.

Crisis Simulation Exercises

Put your Crisis Communications and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to the test. Our media specialists partner with former Defence and operational experts to simulate a real time crisis. Strengthen your crisis response capabilities through experiential learning.

Crisis simulation exercises are conducted on location and can include a full media contingent.


When a crisis hits, Adoni Media activates to provide immediate support and media management.

Our media experts are appointed according to expertise and the scale and scope of the incident.

Adoni Media’s priority is to ensure internal and external communications are aligned.

Many potential crises are kept out of the media through smart strategy and good management of stakeholder relationships.

Decades Of Proven Experience

Take action to protect your reputation