Interview Training

    Whether you’re preparing for a media appearance or aiming for your next dream job, the quality of your performance during an interview can profoundly impact your reputation, and your future. At Adoni Media, our focus on interview training, in Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne, equips professionals with the skills they need to excel. 


    The Essence of Interview Training 

    Interview training helps individuals understand the dynamics of both media interactions and job interview training, focusing on how to communicate effectively under pressure.  

    “At its core, interview training is about more than just answering questions,” explains Leisa Goddard, Adoni Media Founder and Managing Director.  

    “It’s about conveying messages with confidence and clarity, ensuring your audience – whether a hiring manager, journalist, or the broader public – understands and remembers you and your key messages.” 

    The Adoni Media Approach to Interview Training 

    Our approach at Adoni Media integrates comprehensive media training techniques with practical training. We provide tailored coaching that addresses individual needs while focusing on interview techniques used by journalists. Each session is designed to build confidence, enhance communication skills, and refine message delivery. 

    Media training involves a series of strategic preparations designed to help individuals maximise their impact in front of the camera or during a press interaction,” states Goddard. “Similarly, our job interview training is structured to help candidates articulate their value proposition compellingly and succinctly to prospective employers.” 

    Common Interview Questions in Australia 

    Understanding the type of questions typically asked by Australian journalists, and by employers, can significantly boost one’s confidence and preparedness when it comes time to do an interview. Some common interview questions, which you can use to deliver your key messages, include: 

    1. What is it we’re here to talk about today?
    2. What does your company do?
    3. Responding to news events, e.g. what do you think about “x”?

    “Our training programs include mock interviews where these questions and many others are practised repeatedly,” explains Goddard. “Feedback is provided instantly to refine the candidate’s responses and enhance their delivery.” 

    Tailoring Your Skills for the Media 

    For those looking to sharpen their media interaction skills, through media training in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane, Adoni Media offers specialised coaching. This training focuses on developing the ability to handle a range of journalistic inquiries with poise and dexterity, to maintain control of the conversation and deliver the messages you want to deliver. 

    “Handling the media effectively requires an understanding of how journalists think and what they are likely to ask,” notes Goddard. “Because Adoni’s media trainers are all former journalists, our training prepares you for this, ensuring that you can manage even the most challenging media situations. We call it the Adoni Advantage.” 

    Benefits of Professional Interview Training 

    A level of self-confidence, an overall understanding and knowledge of what happens in an interview scenario, and an awareness of how you need to present yourself and what you need to say, enhances all forms of communication. 

    “Investing in developing your interview skills is investing in your career’s future,” Goddard emphasises. “From securing a new role to handling high-stakes media interviews successfully, the skills you learn will support your career growth and public image management.” 

    Whether you’re facing the press or stepping into a job interview, the ability to deliver clear, confident responses is critical. With interview skills training, candidates can learn to navigate these crucial conversations with assurance and tact. At Adoni Media, we are committed to empowering professionals across Australia with the skills they need to succeed in any interview scenario.  

    For those looking to enhance their public speaking, interview performance, or media handling skills, professional training is key. Reach out to Australia’s most experienced media training team today, at Adoni Media.