Save Aussie Supplements

Government Relations campaign to save the Sports Supplement Industry







“I used to work for the TGA as a consultant, but now I’m fronting the Save Aussie Supplements campaign, which I believe is the most important action I’ve been involved with in my 25 years associated with this industry.” – Stephen Eddey



With Australia’s $1.1 billion sports supplement industry under threat from a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) review, that could force products off shelves and cost jobs, Adoni Media was commissioned to create a Government Relations campaign to lobby decision-makers.

The campaign goal was to raise awareness of the proposed changes and mobilise the industry, consumers, and stakeholders to make submissions through a multi-media campaign.


Save Aussie Supplements (SAS) resulted in more than 14,000 submissions being lodged with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in just seven days.

The Government Relations campaign was averaging a sign-up a minute at its peak. The custom-built website triggered a submission to the TGA and using postcode identification, a personalised email was sent on behalf of each person to their local MP.

Adoni Media’s PR and digital teams created, branded, and managed the campaign as well as produced advertising videos, a Video News Release, and prepared spokespeople for media conferences that attracted national coverage across TV, radio, and print.

To drive traffic to the website and further raise awareness of the campaign, a multi-platform social media strategy was launched. High-profile athletes, influencers, and industry brands shared the campaign and helped the hashtag #saveaussiesupplements trend. SAS was even raised on the floor of Federal Parliament.

The TGA, as a result of the record high number of submissions, extended consultation and the industry was able to influence policy, meaning SAS was a success.

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