Heart of Australia

Queensland-based mobile medical program delivering specialists services to regional communities

“The Adoni team has been been fantastic. You’ve been on the journey with us for many years and helped us to share our story which is important, not just in getting the trucks out there, but also the message of what we’re trying to do to make healthcare more accessible.” – Dr Rolf Gomes, Founder, Heart of Australia

In the media


To launch and promote Heart of Australia’s unique role as a provider of mobile specialist medical clinics by generating media coverage across Queensland.

PR campaigns have supported a strategy to educate the public about the regional and remote medical program Heart of Australia provides, and raise awareness as to why State and Federal Government support and corporate partnerships are needed to fund the service.

To help grow awareness of Heart of Australia and its Founder, Dr Rolf Gomes, Adoni Media has used a PR strategy of geotargeting mainstream and local media outlets, as well as reaching out to medical and transport industry publications.

Extensive PR coverage has helped Heart of Australia become top-of-mind for patients in rural Queensland, and raise its profile for policy makers in both the State and Federal Governments, and Queensland corporations and organisations.


Adoni Media has been the PR partner of Heart of Australia since 2018, generating state-wide media coverage with news stories across television, radio, print, online, and industry publications.

Adoni’s strategy delivers results when Heart of Australia’s new trucks are launched, when new routes begin bringing medical specialists to more locations, and when new government funding is secured to allow Heart of Australia to expand its services.

Video News Releases (VNRs) have proven to be a successful PR tool in generating television news coverage in regional cities and towns where Heart of Australia delivers specialist clinics. Media events and truck tours in Brisbane have been a powerful way to give journalists, across national networks, an insight into what Heart of Australia does and how it helps Queenslanders.

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